PDF Ebook Cell Phone Culture: Mobile Technology in Everyday Life, by Gerard Goggin
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Cell Phone Culture: Mobile Technology in Everyday Life, by Gerard Goggin

PDF Ebook Cell Phone Culture: Mobile Technology in Everyday Life, by Gerard Goggin
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Providing the first comprehensive, accessible, and international introduction to cell phone culture and theory, this book is and clear and sophisticated overview of mobile telecommunications, putting the technology in historical and technical context.
Interdisciplinary in its conceptual framework, Cell Phone Culture draws on a wide range of national, regional, and international examples, to carefully explore the new forms of consumption and use of communication and media technology that the phenomenon of mobiles represents.
This fascinating biography of an important cultural object:
- adopts an integrated multiperspective approach
- considers the mobile phone and its history, production, design, consumption and representation
- examines the implications in contemporary media convergence such as digital photography an mobile internet.
Also reflecting on the challenges and provocations of mobile phone technology and use, this is an absolute must read for any student of media studies, cultural studies or technology.
- Sales Rank: #1700092 in eBooks
- Published on: 2012-08-21
- Released on: 2012-08-21
- Format: Kindle eBook
Most helpful customer reviews
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Great approach
By Ariadna Carolina Travini
Goggin's approach on the cell phone mobile culture gives one a wide view on the matter. The book has a really complete history review, with many interesting anecdotes. It also includes an anthropological review of how this new technology piece affects our everyday lives, transforms basic habits and even developing a dependency syndrome.
I found this book very interesting in many different levels and think it succeeds in giving an approach on a subject really new and unspoken so far.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By Get Serious
The cell phone comes directly from Amateur Radio and its creation of the ‘repeater’. In the late 70s after the microprocessor had been reverse-engineered from alien spacecraft, computer systems became more sophisticated. The cell phone is basically a handheld walkie-talkie connected to a repeater system with myriad (repeater) cell towers, integrated with existing landline systems. Amateur Radio was a ‘free’ service with the primary mission of introducing more interested people to the world of radio. The J*wish N*w W*rld Ord*r changed all that in their primary impetuous being ripping the world off for the most profit with zero ethics involved. Certain evil JNWO groups did this with computer software also…something which was supposed to be ‘free’ for the betterment of mankind!
The JNWO forced its way into the cell phone world and managed to charge 3,000% markups for all services rendered. Cell phones themselves are relatively cheap, the production cheapening by number of units produced. “Air time” or “landline” time is basically FREE due to the fact that these are lifetime systems, which literally…have no further cost. So JNWO service companies are basically securing PURE PROFIT in ripping off the public!
So what is the primary purpose of the cell phone? That would be ‘tracking and control’. All cell phones contain a ‘tracking’ GPS chip (transponder) allowing the JNWO p*lice st*te to locate you at any time. In addition, ALL records of every cell tower your phone accesses are filed automatically, so you can be tracked to a ‘cell area’. In other words the JNWO p*lice st*te wants to know WHERE you are and WHAT you’re doing at every second of the day, so that you can be kidnapped or murdered at will!
But what are the dangers of a cell-oriented society? Not only does the JNWO NS* and all cop shops record every single thing you say, but your conversation is run though sophisticated ‘word-recognition’ software, so that if you say the wrong thing you can be accused of being a terr*rist, kidnapped and murdered at will!
How has the cellphone changed society? The New Braindeads now wander the streets as so many zombies with their heads stuck to small cell screens texting irrelevant crap from one to another. This has resulted in a ‘gang mentality’ in groups banding together in common causes. People no longer TALK on the phone…they TEXT…avoiding any confrontation. The JNWO has started coups in other countries in controlling the Braindeads to their will utilizing this technology. This is the ultimate ‘population control’…controlling what you THINK and what you DO! The Internet is all J*wish propaganda, lies and disinformation. And so you have cell-created armies of Braindeads who are manipulated as so many robots!
Now if a man texts his wife about a subject, he doesn’t really text JUST her! She in turn retransmits everything he said to her 50-member female posse of the Sisterhood and the Sisterhood tells her what she should do. Women incapable of individual thought now have an army of expertise behind them, a gang mentality of ‘experts’ to tell them how to live their lives. The same goes for children incapable of individual creative thought who create texting gangs and become an active cyber force!
So what started out as a miraculous form of communication is now an overpriced, diseased entity of JNWO FUBAR manipulation, based upon pure greed!
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great principles
Technology in book is a little dated but I think the principles the author wrote about are solid and apply even more today.
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